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What Made You Want to be a Committeeperson?

I wanted to get more civically engaged at the local level and participate in making sure the local party is working for the people of Philadelphia. I also wanted a way to get to know my neighbors better and help them engage in every election.

How Did You Hear about the Role of Committeeperson?

I did a leadership program for young progressives called New Leaders Council in 2018, and several people in my class were running for committeeperson. One of them was Brandy Bones, who turned out to live a block from me and became a dear friend. When she moved away in 2020, I told her I was interested in taking over her position.

What’s The Most Important Issue You’d Like to Tackle?

I’m passionate about voter registration, engagement, and protection not only in the 2nd Ward but across the city, especially in historically disenfranchised communities. I care about this because it connects to every other issue I care about, including education, gun violence, and housing; we can’t change policy without getting progressives elected to office at every level.

What’s Your Favorite Philly Restaurant/Bar/Park/Other Jawn?

I’m answering this with a 2nd Ward focus: Square Pie, Cianfrani Park, all things Italian Market.